First time purchasing from OldAngler? Read our frequently asked questions to learn more about our terms and conditions, or contact us directly:

Yes. Please send a message with your request and your address.
Yes, we do; the price depends on the complexity.
EC stands for European Community, EU stands for European Union.
For the return terms please visit our "Shipping & Returns" section
Custom charges are approximately 35/45.00 USD, it depends on the amount of your purchase.
VAT is a local tax (21%), applied on any purchase of a resident in the European Union.
The European Union Countries: Italy - France - Spain - Portugal - Austria - Germany - Holland - Luxenburg - Great Britain - Eire - Danmark - Sweden - Finland - Greece - Belgium.
If you live in the US you are not in the European Union (EU); for this reason you don't need to pay any VAT (the tax is only applied at every purchase of a European Union resident)
The prices you can see in the catalogue and door to door carriage are VAT included if this is applied to sales between Italy and the selected Country (upside left box): any sales between an Italian company and a resident of one European Union Country must be charged with VAT.
Choosing the Country where you are coming from, the language (english or italian)and the currency (Euro, US Dollar or British Pound) will be automatically set up. Moreover, if you have chosen a Country where VAT is applied, it will be included in the prices in the catalogue and you will see the final price of the items (except carriage if applied).
The prices can be seen in Euros, US Dollars or British Pounds according to the Country selected in the upside left box, but you can decide to verify the prices in different currencies: see below.
If you want to know the price in other currencies, you only need to click on the "Currency Conversion" link in the uppermost menu. A window with the currency conversion will prompt. Then follow these steps:
  • In the "Convert" field type the amount to be converted;
  • From the field "of this type of currency" (by default this field is set to EURO) choose the currency you are converting from (typically this will be EURO because you will want to check how much is in your currency a bag we sell and our prices are shown in EURO);
  • From the field "into this type of currency" choose the currency you want to have the conversion into;
  • Click the button "GO" to receive the result of the conversion.
Approximately four weeks.
After filling the shipping address form, select the "Credit Card On Line" option and click on the "Proceed" button; Your order details will be displayed. Click on the "Submit Order" button and you will be suddenly prompt to the bank site, where you can choose which credit card you want to pay with; Choose the credit card and click the button "Submit" at the bottom of the page; A new page will display. Complete with your credit card details and click the button "Submit" at the bottom of the page. If you have followed carefully all these steps but still have problems please feel free to email us at sales@oldangler.com. We will try to help you in placing the order.
Please refer to our "Shipping & Returns" section for all details.
It tipically takes four days betweeen order and delivery at your door if the bag is available in stock; if it is not it takes some longer (between 10 and 15 days).
When we apply a discount on some prices, we call those items "offer". In these cases you can see the original price strikeout while the offered "new" price and the discount percentage indicated.
There isn't any problem for such little delays, just please state your special needs when you fill the shipping form (Notes field). Please, take care of shipping charges from and to Italy: they are not refundable.
Yes, it can. Please write your valid FEDEX account in the Notes field that you will find while filling the shipping form.
Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, Chrome 27, Firefox 20 or higher.